Friday, September 26, 2008

GHS Celebrates 10th year Anniversary

Wow, what a great night!! The dinner was great, which always is, at the Old Mill Restaurant. The new/old, I mean returning officers were sworn in by president of the Bainbridge Historical Society (also GHS member) Mary Drachler. They are Scott Parsons president, Wilma Felton-Gray VP, Sharon Donahe secretary and Karen Todd treasurer. Awards were given out to the Grays, and Todds, Carneys, and Alton Doyle for outstanding performance, and a life time membership was presented to out going president Gertie Pierce-Boyd. 67 people attended which includes members and guests.

The evening also consisted of a power point presentation by Tom Gray on the 10 years of the Guilford Historical Society and the accomplishments of the society. It was also announced that we now have a new book published by author/member Helen Donahe. The book "One Room School" was donated to the GHS with the proceeds to go to the school house restoration project. The book is available to members at $8.00 and non-members at $10.00. It's a wonderful little book for a great cause.

Each guest received day books and the officers received yearly planners which were donated by the Mead Corporation of Sidney.

Thanks to everyone that attended and to the committee that planned the evening. A special thank you to Donna Ford, owner and chef of the Old Mill (also a GHS member) and all the staff of the restaurant for making our dinner celebration the best.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom & Wilma: We surely did enjoy being with you at the Banquet the other evening. It was such fun to see all and visit alot too. We've been away from the area for so long although have good reason to come down at least once a year for paying respects in various locations in Chenango Co., so it is great to see what is being done in those areas now.
    I've tried to send a note before, we'll see if this one comes through. I am following your instructions. Have thought this is a good way to be in touch from the Guilford Historical Society but often have trouble with a blog, can't seem to get the hang of them sometimes.
    Do look after yourselves now and rest up abit. You deserve it.
    Thank You though for setting this up.
    Many Regards,
    Mary & Allen Gilmore


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