Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Guilford Community Fun-Fest Aug 22, 2009

This could be Yours!!


Some of the photos of Farming to be displayed at the Klee House by GHS

Guilford Community Day is back with a new name. Now known as the Guilford Community Fun- Fest, it is hoped that this year is bigger and better than ever before. You won’t believe all that is in store for you August 22nd from 9:00 in the morning all the way through until 10:00 pm. Yes that’s right! 10:00 at night. However, most of the activities take place from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Included in that time frame are: Number One: House tours. There will be approximately 5 or 6 homes to tour. There is a charge. Meet at the Methodist Church at 10:00 am to begin a fantastic voyage through some of the beautiful homes of Guilford.

Number 2 on the list are Crafters and Vendors lining Main St. and the Methodist Church. Get your Christmas shopping done early with wonderful hand crafted items including jewelry, wood crafts and Indian crafted items and much more. Along the same line at the Methodist Church the Church Ladies have organized a White Elephant sale, basket extravaganza and home made candy sale. There will also be a quilt show there. So, bring your hand crafted quilts or antique quilt and description and/or history thereof and be eligible for a prize for the most favorite quilt.

It’s not without saying, that the Guilford Garage/Lawn sales play an important part in the usual community day events and this year is the same. So be prepared to wander the streets of Guilford and be sure to pick up a map of where they are located at the Methodist Church or the Klee House next to the stone church. Anyone who is having a sale and wish to be on the map contact Elaine Pikul at (607) 895-6325.

We are now up to number 3. A cancellation stamp has been designed for the day. Take your letters and cards to the Guilford Post Office window to receive the special Community Day Fun-Fest cancellation stamp. Hours are 8:00-12:00.

The fourth item, not to be missed, is at the Klee House-next to the stone church. The Guilford Historical Society is sponsoring a great display of Guilford Farming. The display is intended as a salute to the farmers of yesterday and today with photos depicting some of the old and new farming technologies. It is an on going project for GHS and we are still in the process of collecting farming photos. If you have any old and/or new photos, please bring to the Klee House for us to scan. The GHS will also be selling the Guilford Crocks and Guilford history books. There will also be raffles during the day. There is a 50-50, a jewelry box, 3 beautiful hand-made afghans and a calf. Yes, that’s right a real calf. The tickets for these items will be available at the Klee House and the Methodist Church. The GHS also would like to help in supporting the Klee House as it is a great place for many groups to meet. There will be a novelty table set up with many unique (antique and new) items for sale to support the Klee House overhead.

During all the activities you may feel hunger pains and have we got a deal for you. Stop in at the Guilford Firehouse for their famous BBQ Chicken and the Methodist Church for your salads and baked beans. If you prefer hot dogs, hamburgers or sausage, those too are available at the Methodist Church. Also, be sure to check out the Farmers market for home-grown produce.

Now last but not least, is the reason for the 10:00 pm close of the day’s events. For a donation of a non-perishable food item as admission, box or canned good, you may enter the Methodist Church at 6:00 pm and attend a dance. The dance will be emceed by our very own Guilford DJ, none other than Scott Parsons. From 6:00 to 10:00 you can dance the night away to all your old favorite tunes and feel your youth come back, at least for awhile, and know you had the best time at the Guilford Fun-Fest and who knows, you may take home a prize or two besides all the goodies you bought.

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